It is finally here - the all new FU!UK froth forums! Elder signs and new cyber hamsters have been deployed to bring you greater, more reliable and actually functioning forums.
There's a few changes to get used to, but you are bright chaps and chapesses so we'll leave you to work them out.
Welcome to Frothers Unite UK! First of all apologies to anyone who came here looking for a coffee-maker.... no that is not the kind of frother we are trying to promote. Perhaps you should try Saeco, apparently they have quite a good range.
If you're still here you either know what a frother is, or have one of those insatiable curiosities... which is OK because curiosity is imagination's favourite ex-lover, and imagination is what frothing is all about.
Click here to find out what it is to be a frother.
Perhaps you can't be bothered- don't worry, we understand... just think of us as "gamers", or if even that doesn't make sense to you then substitute "geek" for "frother" in each sentence and thats probably all you need to know.
There'll be some surprise prizes from the World of Froud this year, in addition to the usual kudos of having your miniature appear in the winners sets to be bought by your fellow frothers and of course free copies of all the winning entries if yours gets made.
So sculpt us a selkie or fire off a fae today! Or, before December 16th anyway.
Frothforums- Latest Topics!
The forums continue to provide high octane discussion... be warned that some of these are of a mature nature, as a small number of foul-mouthed individuals continually spoil it for everyone. We'd ban them but they are mostly committee members...
Don't forget you can always post us your ideas in the Feedback Box too!
Returning soon...
Finally the Frother Communities Forums puts it all back in by allowing you to link up with fellow frothers in your area!
Be it Ruislip or R’lyeh, Bangalore or Glorantha, Guernsey or Gernsback (yes, we get the idea- Ed), we want to build a true directory of Roleplaying, Card Playing, Wargaming clubs out there. Or if you haven't got your own club you can just cry out in the cold darkness for some like-minded (or at least open-minded) gamers!
What was new?
20th September 2006
The results of the Frothers Unite 3rd Pro-Am Sculpting Competition are now in, and the winners revealed! Thanks to everyone who participated in making this a very exciting continuation of the tradition, and look out for announcements on the availability of the winners sets (as usual we'll only have the rights to the sculpts for a TWO MONTH window).
This year's theme is 'Asylum', with an exclusive game brought to you in partnership with Woteva Games. No its not about trying to get to Western Europe from a conflict zone while avoiding customs patrols, but an exciting exploration of a victorian-pulp era mental asylum where (in the greatest of horror traditions) the staff are as crazy as the inmates and the monsters aren't all in the imaginations of the mental patients.
You can still get your hands on this Seth Nash sculpt- a very tasty armoured Orc champion... and Shane Hoyle's incredible rendition of FU!UK's very own mad Colonel (perfect for the coffee table, painting desk or Cluedo boardgame) from the FU!UK shop.
Wherin the old Colonel searches the world of miniature figures for your collecting, roleplaying and wargaming needs. Aided by his loyal command team, the Colonel brings you the most exciting new fantasy and sci-fi figures every month, as well as suggesting new and alternative suppliers for your army via his Army Showcases.
UnclEvl has made creating and amending game rules into his life's work.
In his laboratory you can find the fruits of his labours, from additional rules for Car Wars to new Cyberpunk RPG weapons. If you have a rule system that needs changing, and if noone else can help, perhaps you should call... UnclEvl.
Unashamed frothing over the horribly non-PC British comicbook 'Battle', with characters like Johnny Red and Captain Darkie coming back to life for old-time classics from the 'silver age' of the UK war comic!
Bash the Bosch and tuck up the Nips once more, with interviews from the top stars of the day many of them still top stars of today's comic market... Come and share your terrible and beautiful memories of war with the Colonel!
Our newest frothzone brings you the full power of the White Knight's miniature crusade to expand the frother community's enjoyment of metal miniature mayhem!
A natty size comparison project (no more mismatched horses!) is accompanied by an intrepid adventure into the world of miniature conversion... with more to come!
Doc presents the Frothers Unite! homage to the Doomtown CCG... possibly the best Collectible Card Game ever produced. Whether you've yet to get started and need help in understanding the game, you need some deck ideas or you jus' wanna know what is it those ol' timers at the bar are all talkin' about, the Doc has got some patented medicines to make it all better.
The Deputy has been dead for a long time, but that hasn't stopped him serving in several sherrif's offices and a number of small border wars. He has accumulated a wealth of gaming information from the secret "World of Darkness", specifically relating to the Vampire:TES card games. There'll be plenty such gems scattered about his crypt, for those brave enough to enter.
Your Frothings Here?
We know theres plenty of froth out there that never makes it into a magazine or web-page... all good quality stuff though and we'd like to harness it for the benefit of all froth-kind.
If you have an idea that would benefit other froth fanatics, whether they are a wargamer, card gamer, roleplayer or miniature collector then get in touch!! We can help you develop your ideas from bare bones to full frother article... even a full-on frothzone!
We want your articles, reviews, previews, free samples, bribes and straight-up feedback. Feel free to throw your ideas around on the frothForums and see if any fellow frothers want to join forces with you, or contact the frothergang direct on our express email dropzone. Either way let us know and you could get your ideas posted here!